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You Asked for Podcasts in NPR One – You've Got Them!


When we released NPR One, we introduced a new way to listen to the best of public radio—one built with you at the center. Since launch, we've continued to iterate and learn about what you want to listen to. One of the most-requested features was better support for the great public radio podcasts, including the NPR podcasts you know and love (like Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me and Planet Money), and local podcasts such as WNYC's Radiolab, KPCC's The Off Ramp, and WBUR's The Jim Lehrer Show. Today, we're introducing a set of new features to enhance your NPR One podcast listening experience on iOS and Android that you can Download Now.

New Program Pages

Podcast and programs in NPR One now have a dedicated view in the app. You can access a deep back catalogue of episodes and shows, 'Follow' programs, and share programs on social media. When you choose to 'Follow' a program, we'll serve more episodes of that program, and recommend others that you may also love listening to. To get to the Program page for a show or podcast, simply tap the program's name at the top of the Now Playing screen, or find it using our search feature.

More Podcasts

Many of the local and national podcasts that you love listening to are already available on NPR One today (check them out!), over time we'll add even more. Some new podcasts available in NPR One include 99% Invisible and The Allusionist from Radiotopia, and Serial from WBEZ.

Better Search

With all of these new ways to experience podcasts in NPR One, we've upgraded the search engine to give you a substantially improved way to find the podcasts you love and the news stories that you are interested in. Take it for a spin today, and search for 'Aasif Mandvi' to listen to his guest appearance on Ask Me Another.

Additionally, the team has been hard at work on a number of other exciting projects, culminating with the release of our Apple Watch app last week, and new support for Google Now Voice Actions (on Android, you can say "OK Google, Listen to NPR" to launch the app). We want you to find NPR One content wherever you are next: phone, tablet, watch, car...We hope you enjoy these new features, and please continue to give us feedback via our Facebook and Google+ communities. We've got a lot more great stuff coming up in the year ahead. Thanks for listening!

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

Tejas Mistry