On this episode of Arts & Letters, we talk with writer, fisherman, ecologist and University of Central Arkansas professor Mark Spitzer.

His book, Return of the Gar, published by the University of North Texas Press (as part of its Southwestern Writing Series) is a sequel of-sorts to his first book Season of The Gar: Adventures in Pursuit of America's Misunderstood Fish.
Published by the University of Arkansas Press this is the first accessible book-length study of the gar in the English language.
The second largest freshwater fish in North America—the oft misunderstood alligator gar—is a fish that can grow up to twelve feet long and well over 300 pounds.
Because of their scary-looking faces and man-eating size, they've been demonized as “devil-fish” and monsters.
We also speak with two gar researchers, Lindsey Lewis of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and biologist Reid Adams, also a professor at the University of Central Arkansas.
Mark Spitzer (1965-2023) was the author of thirty-plus books, including 'In Search of Monster Fish' (University of Nebraska Press) and 'Monster Fishing' (Torrey House Press).
Other books include novels, memoirs, collections of poetry and literary translations, and a book on writing pedagogy, 'Investigative Creative Writing' (Equinox Publishing).
Listen to the program below and be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, NPR Podcasts, etc. where you can listen to additional episodes.
Below are some additional clips from our interviews that offer additional insight into the world of the gar.

Music for this program was provided by Sioux City Kid.